Yeah...that's complete sarcasm...this post is about fundraising and how much I dislike HATE it.
I'm not good at asking for things from people. Especially something like money, I know you worked hard for that paycheck of yours, no matter how wimpy it may be..
Unfortunately, a trip to Haiti is in no way free. Bummer.
Last time I went, I typed up a little fundraiser letter and sent it to as many people as I could think fun at all. And so this time I decided I'd try something new.
A blog! And I'd raffle off my handi work.
So...this is it!
These are homemade coasters, they're quite easy, rather cheap, and SUPER cute. Also easily personalized.
So what I have decided to do is open this up and offer you some coasters made by me. In return, I ask for any size donation you would like to make.
I haven't worked through all of the logistics yet, but that's the basic idea I have.
The design on each tile is simply a piece of paper I have cut and glued to the tile so you can totally ask for specific colors and I would be more than happy to "make to order" your coasters for you.
So chew on that for a bit while I work on a plan for all of this. Think about what color you might's a big decision! So I might give you some extra time (or I might be really busy with work right now and unable to get back to this for the next couple days.)
Thanks for reading my blog!
All my love,